Marco Almera

Stickers and Other Goodies

Up-Date 11/21/00  P 5

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Poster Pop Sticker Design

This image of Christ depicts Him as the artist believes He really looked like: reverent but
strong, dark-skinned but emanating light. He is
shown with the Sacred Heart: a symbol of His Love, Pain and Sacrifice for us. The lightning
symbolizes the Power and Glory of God.

Poster Pop Sticker Design

blackjesus.gif (179994 bytes)


Votive Candle $ 6.00

Poster Pop Sticker Design

mary.gif (112328 bytes)


Votive Candle $ 6.00

Poster Pop Sticker Design

This image of a praying woman represents a woman's faith and devotion to the Lord. She is the color blue to represent the ocean, a
feminine symbol. In her hands is a chain with a cross emanating light. The roses represent Mary, the handmaiden of the Lord.


"Archangel Michael"
Poster Pop Sticker Design

michael.gif (112542 bytes)


Votive Candle $ 6.00

"Archangel Michael"

This image is a traditional symbol of Archangel Michael, the leader of the angels in heaven, battling Satan, the leader of the dark angels.  Archangel Michael is slaying the devil and casting him into hell. The scales represent truth and righteousness, the strength behind the sword.

"Sacred Heart"
Poster Pop Sticker Design

heart.gif (86881 bytes)


Small Sticker $ 2.00

Votive Candle $ 6.00

"Sacred Heart"

This image is a traditional symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It represents His Love, Pain and Sacrifice for us, and the Blood He shed for our
sins. This depiction includes lightning bolts, a symbol for the Power and Glory of God.


"God's Guitar"

This image represents the gift of music from Heaven. Some say Rock'n'Roll is from the devil, but I disagree. It's roots are the Blues, Jazz and Gospel, music originated by the slaves to elevate, heal and praise the Lord. Some music has gone wicked, but on the whole, it's a
glorious gift. The lightning represents the Power
and Glory of God.

"God's Guitar"
Poster Pop Sticker Design

guitar.gif (53765 bytes)


Votive Candle $ 6.00

"Praying Hands"

prayinghands.gif (145261 bytes)

"Praying Hands"
Poster Pop Sticker Design

Price: $3.00

Small $ 2.00

Votive Candle $ 6.00


tiki.gif (151935 bytes)

Poster Pop Sticker Design

Our tiki friend here has discovered one of the
local concoctions brewed in his jungle paradise. Tiki torches heat up the scene.


Votive Candle $ 6.00

hotrodgirl.gif (89614 bytes)

"Hot Rod Girl"
Poster Pop Sticker Design

Hot Rod Girl is a go-get-'em go-go girl. Very
confident and sure of herself. And look at those
twin carbs!


Small $ 2.00

Votive Candle $ 6.00

tankgirl.gif (75489 bytes)

"Tank Girl" Poster Pop Sticker Design

Tank girl is on a mission to spread happiness
throughout the world. Lotsa love, this girl has.


Votive Candle $ 6.00

elmasquerado.gif (110675 bytes)

"El Masquerado"
Poster Pop Sticker Design

Price: $3.00

Votive Candle $ 6.00

musclecar.gif (75157 bytes)

"Muscle Car"
Poster Pop Sticker Design


Votive Candle $ 6.00

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There's More to Come

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Kulture Shoq Studio Store And Gallery 

6850 Vineland Ave Unit M

North Hollywood, CA 91605

Call (800) 880-6567 or (818) 755-0820 for Directions

Kulture Shoq is a division of Automated Entertainment

Copyright 2000 Automated Entertainment