Lost In the 50's
Rattlesnake Gas
B 17 Cafe
Gill's Gas
Cafe 50's
Last Chance Gas
Cruise Night at Bob's
Marty's Diner
On The Tracks
Like many young Impressionable boys in the fifties, my imagination raced with the Images of America's emerging pop culture. Comics, science fiction magazines, and pulp paperbacks were all required reading. Building models, listening to rock-n-roll music, and dreaming of hot rods were all part of the mix of adolescence. Back then you just weren't hep unless you had a rod. So I watched with envy, as my brothers built their first hot rod.
Rod Fathers

Van Nuys Drive In
The Toad Inn
The Cool Ones
The EL MONTE Drive-In
Bert's Diner
Paso Fleet Line
House Of Horrors
There are mysteries both real and Imagined waiting to be recovered by those who reach driving age. I got to share in many of their first adventures, discovering the joys of leaf springs, dirt roads and learning about geography from a rumble seat. Jack Kerouac, beatniks, and the beat generation, Henry
Felsen's hot rod books and the little bit of Rock-A-Billy we could tune in on the country music station in the rural west San Fernando Valley was all part of the back drop of my youth.
More Stuff
Hot Girls , Hot Food, Hot Cars
The Nineteen Sixties
American Made
The Mammoth Orange
Last Of Hot One
Route 66
That old Model A was part hot rod and part roll-a- coaster. I use to think any moment it would come apart in a million pieces. Still, nothing seemed cooler than for the three of us to disappear in a cloud of dust. Owning my first hot rod was like a rite of passage. For me these Images conjure fond memories, of growing up in the 1950's and 1960's. Although these
paintings represent only a portion of what I have painted over the years, It was my passion with cars that put me on the road to becoming an artist, and eventually to publishing these Images first.
Kent Bash Copyright 1997
Cruisin' Main Street

American Muscle
Man Behind The Mask Series
Man Behind The Mask
Cornucopia Of Cool

Aerosol Witch Doctor
Pulp Art Series Series
The Auschwitz Circus
Rod Cult Issue # 1
Dragons of Spring Place
Rod Cult Issue # 2
Surviving The Nuclear Age Series
A View From the Sea Of Tranquility